Eric and his roommate from freshman year, Dan.
Very nice guy. |
This is my lovely older sister at our house in
Springfield. |
This was Christmas during my senior year. We just
decorated the tree, and I am TIRED! My mom, my sis and my
dog, Travis. |
My sister and I outside our old house in Montana.
I like that dress. Also from right after I got my hair
cut. |
Jaime and I at the San Diego zoo two summers ago.
We're so hot! |

Pictures taken today of Jaime and me. We're divas! |
This is our patented "booty dance." Yes,
it's frightening. |
Hehe, we're dancing too. |
Jaime and I laying on the floor in Eric's room. Do
you think we look alike? |
My best friend Lisa, and her late pug Penny. |
One of my good friends from VA, Mike. |
Lisa again, looking super pretty. |
Eric was sleeping, and May decided to draw on him.
Hehe. The other guy is Paul, Eric's current roommate and
a cool cat. |
Eric, Callaway and my web design God, Brad Lee.
Brad Lee is at the computer. |